How To Make Green Smoothie - Kale Recipe (2024)

How To Make Green Smoothie - Kale Recipe (1)Photographed by Mike Garten.

There is little in this life that makes us feel more healthy, glowy, and Paltrow-esque than a big glass of green. Now, we may have been a little bit skeptical about some of her lifestyle choices, but this is one thing Gwyn definitely got right. A green smoothie is a fantastic addition to your regime, whether you're looking to boost nutrient-intake, kick-start your metabolism, or just start the day off on a healthier note. Here at R29, we're utterly hooked on our green drinks, both juiced and blended. Not only are they packed with nutrients, but somehow, if you start the morning with one of these you'll find yourself eating better throughout the day. But the smoothie blends have a major leg up on juice for two reasons.


First, with smoothies, you keep all the fiber and nutrients that get discarded in the juicing process — a major necessity for the metabolic benefits of greens. Second, and most important, making a smoothie is about 500 times more convenient than making a juice. Even if you don't have a juicer in your home, odds are you have something that blends (and if you don't, we have some tips on that, too). Read on for the four ultimate green smoothie recipes, each tailored for specific nutritional benefits and preferences. Whether you're looking to detox, de-bloat, or just enjoy a delicious sip, we'll show you how to go green.

Styled by Christy Kurtz

The Starter Green
This delicious is called The Starter, not only because it's a great way to kick-off your morning, but because for newbies to the green-smoothie realm, this is one to get you hooked. With a Swiss chard base, it's a powerhouse of phytonutrients, folate, and necessary vitamins. The flavor is light, and the additions of melon and pineapple give it a dose of tropical sweetness. The green smoothie comes off more like a beachside co*cktail (minus the booze, sugar, and tiny umbrella.)

3 large leaves of Swiss chard
1/2 cup fresh pineapple
1/4 cup fresh honeydew melon

These ingredients are all relatively soft, so you should be able to combine these well with just a traditional blender, immersion blender, or food processer. Add water as needed, and drink up!

Drink This For: Vitamins A, K, C, B6, and E, Manganese, Iron, Folate, Fiber, Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium, and Pantothenic Acid.


How To Make Green Smoothie - Kale Recipe (3)Photographed by Mike Garten.

The Detox Green
Not that you've ever overindulged at a friend's birthday, holiday party, or post-work happy hour that turned into a Friday night you can't quite remember — that never happened to us last weekend either. But in case you ever do, this is the smoothie that will save you the next day. Dandelion greens are nature's rapid detoxifier, so powerful that medical facilities even administer dandelion tea to assist in flushing the body of toxins. Antioxidant-rich berries and parsley, plus hydrating grapes, help to boost the flavor of this bitter green, while also helping to revive you, fast. Skip the greasy hangover breakfast, and give this smoothie a shot. You'll be off the couch in no time and looking a lot better than your roommate on the bathroom floor. Maybe make her a smoothie, too.

1 1/2 cups dandelion greens
1/2 cup parsley
1/2 cup red grapes
1/4 blackberries

For this smoothie, try a food processor, powerful blender, or smoothie maker. We love the NutriBullet, and the new HUROM Premium Slow Juicer/Smoothie Maker for its pulp-control feature that allows you to make a more fluid-based smoothie (when you could really use the hydration).

Drink This For: Antioxidants, Anti-Inflammatories, Vitamins A, K, C, B6, B1, B2, and E, Flavonoids, Phosphorous, Zinc, Manganese, Calcium, Iron, Folate, Fiber, Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium, Niacin, and Phytoestrogens.

How To Make Green Smoothie - Kale Recipe (4)Photographed by Mike Garten.

The Classic Green
Kale, apples, and lemon. It doesn't get much better than that (at least that's what your skin, hair, immune system, and internal organs think). This traditional combo is one of the best ways to benefit your bod, prevent illness, and glow from the inside out. For those phobic of the hearty kale flavor, toss in some green grapes, which pack a punch of sweet-and-tartness that make this health-bomb a real treat. If you're not yet sold, just put it to the test. Try this knockout green smoothie every morning for two weeks. If you don't notice a change in your appearance, energy, and digestion, get back to us. You may be a robot.


3 large kale leaves, plus stems
1/2 Red Delicious apple
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup green grapes

Chop everything into manageable pieces, throw it all in a powerful blender or smoothie maker, and add additional water or juice if you have trouble breaking the stems down. Kale is a particularly tough green so you may need to let it run for an additional minute (tip: Stop and start a few times to let it settle and incorporate).

Drink This For: Omega-3 and 6, Folic acide, Fiber, Protein, Carotenoids, Glucosinolates, Vitamins K, A, and C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Iron, Phytonutrients, Antioxidants, Selenium, Citric Acid, Flavanoids, and Folate.

How To Make Green Smoothie - Kale Recipe (5)Photographed by Mike Garten.

The Energizer Green
This simple, sweet green juice is our go-to when we're feeling depleted and low-energy. Loaded with fortifying goodies like iron, protein, electrolytes, and B vitamins, this packs a better punch than an afternoon espresso, minus the crash. It's another great hydrator thanks to the cucumber, and makes an ideal post-workout smoothie that will replenish any lost minerals you sweat out. Bonus points go to the spinach base, since research shows that blending the vegetable raw (i.e. smoothie-fying it) is the optimal way to absorb its beneficial nutrients.

1 1/2 cups spinach
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cucumber (leave the peel, just wash it well!)
1/8 cup fresh mint leaves

Again, these ingredients are on the softer side, so don't require much power to combine them. Chop the strawberries and cucumbers well, and blend with an immersion blender, regular blender, or food processer, adding water as necessary. Enjoy!

Drink This For: Iron, Fiber, Protein, Electrolytes, Potassium, Vitamins K, A, C, B1, and B6, Folate, Manganese, Magnesium, Mint Oil, Flavanoids, Anti-Inflammatories, and Biotin.

Styled by Christy Kurtz

How To Make Green Smoothie - Kale Recipe (2024)


Is it OK to put raw kale in a smoothie? ›

One cup of raw kale contains even more vitamin C than an orange! You can eat kale raw in a smoothie (no need to cook it first). The raw kale flavor is strong on its own, but the other ingredients mellow it.

Is it OK to drink a kale smoothie everyday? ›

The answer is yes, absolutely. Green smoothies are still a great way to get the nutrients your body craves. But, as with anything else, be mindful of your choices — rotate your ingredients, wash produce thoroughly and allow yourself a few “smoothie-free” days every week so you can try other nutrient-dense foods.

Can you put frozen kale in a smoothie? ›

Plus, the little chunks that kale is frozen is makes it so easy to just toss into a smoothie. You can use fresh, or swap the kale for a more neutral green like spinach if you prefer. Hemp seeds: Hemp seeds give this protein a little extra kick of protein (9.5g for 3 Tbsp).

What is the healthiest green to put in a smoothie? ›

The best green vegetables to add to smoothies in terms of flavor profile and nutritional value include spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, zucchini, cucumber, and avocado (which is technically a fruit but is more commonly used as a vegetable).

Is raw kale hard on your stomach? ›

Kale is a nutrient-dense superfood that contains vitamins K, C, A, fiber, and antioxidants. Raw kale can be hard to digest.

What is the best time to drink kale smoothie? ›

For breakfast and lunch, they are quick, easy and can curb your hunger until your next meal. But for dinner, green drinks can be a little more problematic as a meal replacement. Willpower wise, dinner is often the hardest meal to skip, especially if you enjoy going out with friends and family.

Why do I get sleepy after drinking green smoothie? ›

If you make a morning smoothie at home or order the wrong blend from your favorite juice joint, your refreshing drink can spike your blood sugar and then send it crashing leaving you queasy and fatigued, rather than satisfied.

Which is better for smoothies kale or spinach? ›

Veggie smoothies almost always start with a base of leafy greens. Spinach is one of the best options, since it has a mild taste. Kale, chard, and collard greens can also be used in smoothies, but they should be paired with sweet fruits and other flavor boosters that disguise their bitter taste.

Why do I feel good after drinking a green smoothie? ›

Green smoothies can increase mental clarity and focus

Healthy foods positively affect you physically as well as mentally. Because green smoothies provide your body with essential nutrients, you will not only look your best, but you will also feel your best.

Is it better to use fresh or frozen kale in smoothies? ›

Is there any difference between fresh and frozen leafy greens like kale or spinach when eaten raw in smoothies? The main difference between fresh and frozen leafy greens in smoothies is texture. Fresh greens will result in a smoother and creamier texture, while frozen greens can make the smoothie thicker and icier.

Can I eat spinach and kale together? ›

Not one, but TWO leafy greens are represented into this tasty green smoothie! So, if you are on a mission to get more vegetables into your diet and belly, this kale and spinach smoothie is a great recipe to get you started.

How do you blend kale without chunks? ›

Blend water and kale together first before you add anything else. This is my little trick to ensure the final result is nice and smooth—no large green chunks to get caught in your teeth or anything. Stop the blender and add in the other ingredients. Blend on high for a couple minutes.

Do green smoothies reduce belly fat? ›

Takeaway. Green smoothies can be a great source of nutrients. They can also help you to feel full and encourage your body to burn fat. The best green smoothies for weight loss are low in calories and high in fiber and protein.

How many times a week should you drink a green smoothie? ›

Many people do not consume enough greens, even those who stay on a raw food diet. By drinking two or three cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough greens for the day to nourish your body, and all of the beneficial nutrients will be well assimilated.

What sweetener is best for green smoothies? ›

Natural Sweetening Options for Green Smoothies
  • Raw honey. Honey is nature's miracle food; it's known for its natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties and has been used as a health food worldwide for more than 4,000 years. ...
  • Stevia. ...
  • Dates. ...
  • Agave nectar.
Mar 26, 2016

Is kale still nutritious when blended? ›

Smoothies made with vegetables can have similar nutritional value as eating those vegetables whole, but the nutritional content may differ depending on factors such as the type of vegetables used and the preparation method.

Does blending kale remove nutrients? ›

The Blending Phenomenon

The blending process does not extract nutrients and water the same way juicing does. Instead, it grinds up entire fruits and vegetables, which includes fiber and all.

How much kale is too much in a smoothie? ›

The amount of Kale in a smoothie for me personally is good to use one cup per smoothie. It's possible to put more , of course depends of the preferences,but that is absolutely enough as a quality and mix with the other ingredients, which would be added in it. Adding too much Kale gives a bitter taste in the smoothies.

Does kale make smoothies bitter? ›

I have discovered that freezing the kale does a few things for the smoothie making process: it takes away the bitterness and the smelliness, it helps keep the smoothie cold, and it keeps us from having to spend our lives chopping away at kale to get it into the blender.

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