The Ultimate Quest (Treasure Hunters, #8) (2024)

Josh Olds

988 reviews91 followers

December 26, 2022

Chris Grabenstein has been James Patterson’s primary go-to author for middle-grade fiction and you don’t have to read too far into Ultimate Quest, the 8th Treasure Hunters book, to see why. Patterson and Grabenstein craft a goofy, imaginative narrative full of jokes, plot twists, and fun facts. The result is a little bit ridiculous—but just think of this as The Fast and Furious franchise for kids.

The Kidd siblings have grown up with famous treasure hunters as parents and by book number eight they’ve got a lot of adventures under their belt. Characters are written to have one dominant trait that defines them, sometimes for comedic value and sometimes to insert some education or exposition into the story. Like, you just know that Tommy (oldest brother) is going to fall immediately in love with some girl (who is likely a spy or a villain). You know that Storm is going to have all the answers. And Beck and Bick, well, they’re going to be wise-cracking twin younger siblings who tie the family together. (Bick narrates the story; Beck provides the illustrations.)

In this particular tale, the Kidds are looking for an ancient Knights Templar treasure—but the aren’t the only ones! Hijinks, double-crosses, and some pretty outlandish action sequences ensue. By book eight, Patterson and Grabenstein (joined by Juliana Neufeld for illustrations) have the series down to a science. The problem that can ensue when a book series is always successful with a certain pattern is that the pattern grows stale and the stories fail to live up to the structure. Grabenstein doesn’t let this happen, penning a narrative that’s just as energetic and upbeat as book one (if not better).

Ultimate Quest is geared toward middle-grade readers and fits that age-frame well. There’s Bick and Beck, who most closely identify with the intended audience, and Storm and Tommy, who are either representative of older siblings or older versions of the audience. However the readers see themselves in the book, there’s a character that fits them. It’s a light-hearted romp where you know that nobody is going to get hurt, that the kids will learn a moral lesson, that the parents will be some sort of trouble, and the kids will save the day. It’s a clever, successful setup and so long as Patterson and Grabenstein keep their passion for the series, it’ll be a perennial favorite.


198 reviews

May 25, 2022

Another great book by James Patterson. This is my first book in the series and I was able to catch up with no problem. I will be going back to read the first seven books. This is the perfect book for a middle school student, especially one that may be a reluctant reader. There is a little bit fir everyone: mystery, adventure, and middle school humor.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

Bobbi Wagner

4,379 reviews43 followers

June 4, 2022

This is a great young adult story by a great author. I enjoyed how the characters pulled me into the story. I found it easy to place myself in the story. I enjoyed how the characters brought the story to life. They are creative and truly made the story for me. This is a story that any young adult would enjoy. It has great growth and easy to read. This is a fast paced, adventure story that takes you on a fun filled adventure. This is such a great story that I highly reommend.

Sara Wise

480 reviews12 followers

May 6, 2022

** “Family can be annoying sometimes. Like when they squeeze the toothpaste from the middle of the tube. But they can also be the coolest thing in the whole wide world. The greatest treasure of them all.” **

James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein continue their fun and plucky series with “Treasure Hunters: The Ultimate Quest,” illustrated by Juliana Neufeld.

When the Kidd siblings once again find their parents kidnapped, they set off on a new adventure to not only find their parents, but to also find the hidden treasure of the Knights Templar.

As Tommy, Storm and twins Bick (who narrates the story) and Beck (who illustrates) travel through Egypt, Scotland, France and Israel, they once again must determine whom they can trust as they use their special skills and personalities to follow the clues their parents left for them.

The “Treasure Hunters” book are always a fun read that will appeal to all ages. Readers will fall in love with the incorrigible Kidd siblings, as well as quickly root against the villains. The book is filled with a lot of suspense, as well as laugh-out-loud moments.

Told in quick, short chapters filled with lots of fun artwork, “The Ultimate Quest,” which is due out May 23, reminds us of the importance of family and that it is the most important treasure of all.

Five stars out of five.

Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (jimmy patterson) provided this complimentary copy through NetGalley for my honest, unbiased review.


1,753 reviews52 followers

May 19, 2022

I love books that all ages can enjoy, whether kid or adult, and this one is no exception! The pictures, maps, humor, plot--it's all good. I suppose I should have expected nothing less, given James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein are the authors; but to be fair, and true confession, I've not read anything by Patterson before--just Grabenstein (who is reason enough to pick this book up).

While the book does reference events presumably featured in previous installments, I still really enjoyed it--and those references make me want to read the others!

I also love that the authors bring in emotion. So many books out there don't give kids enough credit to handle things, or forget that they go through tough stuff too. Acknowledging that--whether loss, or fear, or something else--was refreshing. Obviously, age-appropriateness is important, and that can vary from kid to kid. But this was spot on.

And the amount of education here! Kids will have a great time learning (really, lol) as part of the read.

"Sometimes you just have to decide what's really important and go for it!"--one of many takeaways I loved.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

    middle-grade netgalley

Lily Campbell

1 review

July 11, 2022

I have read this entire series, and I just want to say I love it. The characters are captivating and the setting is interesting and unlike any I've seen before. The characters are extremely relatable, even if you don't have any siblings. Each book is similar but unique at the same time. I have recommended this to a bunch of my friends and even the ones who don't generally like to read loved the story.


2,833 reviews14 followers

June 26, 2022

This will be a fun read for middle grade readers. The Kidd family searches for treasure. This time with their parents kidnapped, the kids look for the lost treasure of the Templar Knights.
There are crosses and double crosses. The adventure goes from Egypt to Scotland to France to Israel.
It ends with reuniting the Kidd family.
For smart spies, the parents sure get taken hostage a lot.

Kristi Drillien

Author3 books19 followers

September 30, 2022

I have hung in there for 8 books, but I think this is where I call it. I've grown weary of a family of treasure hunters that no longer keeps the treasure (and acts like that's always been their m.o., even though it wasn't that way in the early books of the series). Of the oldest son who treats every woman close to his age like an object. Of the sister who remembers everything she ever heard, smelled, or saw going back to when she was 4 years old. Of the twins that fight over stupid things at ridiculous times. Of every single person that the characters meet ultimately betraying them. It's just...not fun anymore (it wasn't fun by the third book, really).

In this book in particular, we also have Storm (the super-smart sibling with the "photographic" memory) flirting like Tommy does, and it made me roll my eyes. I also did not care for the "he/she/they" reference to God in a book meant for kids. I really don't feel comfortable recommending this book or its predecessors to any age group, and I will not be continuing this series, which does appear to have another book being released at some point in the future. However, there are far more positive reviews for this book than negative, so I'm in the minority (I'm used to it). Please do check out other reviews for the book if you're interested.

Thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for providing me a copy of this book to review.

    adventure middle-grade netgalley


9 reviews

December 14, 2023

Fine... I guess. It does put shame to Addison Cooke, with the whole templar cult stuff, other than, it's a fine book. I wish the characters would change, they always seem to have the same personality. Tommy's love at first sight stuff is getting a little old. Storm is fine pretty much. Bick seems ok, but I don't like how Beck is too mean to Bick, when Bick isn't really mean to her, unless of course Twin Tirades.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,321 reviews15 followers

December 30, 2022

The Kidd's are one adventerous family and this adventure didn't disappoint. On land and sea any treasure hunting is dangerous as many others might be after it too. Bravery and wanting to save their parents got the Kidd kids through it. Keep exploring.

Ginger Mcclintick

1,293 reviews10 followers

September 22, 2023

This was another good book in the series.


4,676 reviews80 followers

September 30, 2023

Love these light kids books!



216 reviews3 followers

January 30, 2024

This was one of the better Treasure Hunters books.



80 reviews

August 25, 2022

Another wacky Kidd family adventure. While this one wasn't my favorite in the series it is more of the same lighthearted silliness that one can expect from this series. I recommend the Audible series for the narrators depiction of Tommy as it is pretty fun to listen to the girl crazy, not too bright bigger brother come to life. My daughter really enjoys listening to this series in the car.

Kian Jafarkhani

9 reviews1 follower

May 10, 2023

Great story!

The Ultimate Quest (Treasure Hunters, #8) (2024)
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