Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (2024)

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{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):eventwebsiteurl}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):eventwebsiteurl}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foffertitle98345?highlight(raw.foffertitle98345, titleHighlights):travelwebsiteurl}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foffertitle98345?highlight(raw.foffertitle98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=title?highlight(title, titleHighlights):ClickUri}} {{ } else { }} {{ if (clickUri.includes("/sitecore/content/blogs/tourismblog/posts/") == true) { }} {{ var postURL = raw.fposturl98345 }} {{=title?highlight(title, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } else { }} {{=title?highlight(title, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }} {{ } }}


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{{tripdata = ""; }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fz95xtripadvisorlocationdata98345)) { }} {{tripdata = JSON.parse(raw.fz95xtripadvisorlocationdata98345); }} {{ } }} {{ socialdata = ""; }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fchannels98345)) { }} {{ socialdata = JSON.parse(raw.fchannels98345); }} {{ } }} {{ searchdesc = raw.fdescription98345}}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }}

Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (1)

{{ } else { }}

Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (2)

{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}}

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{{ } }} {{ }); }}

{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(tripdata)) { }}

{{if (tripdata.rating_image_url) { }} TripAdvisor Traveler Rating: Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (4)
{{ } }} Read reviews
{{if (tripdata.num_reviews > 0) { }} Based on {{=tripdata.num_reviews}} traveler reviews {{ } }}

{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.flocations98345)) { }} {{locdata = JSON.parse(raw.flocations98345); }} {{ _.each(locdata.Locations, function (result, index){ }} {{if(result.Primary == true){}} {{=result.Title}} {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}{{if(raw.distance){ }} - Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.{{ } }}

{{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.fz95xplacestogosubcategories98345)){ }} {{activities = raw.fz95xplacestogosubcategories98345; }} {{length = activities.length;}}

{{ _.each(activities, function (result, index){ }} {{=result}}{{if(index+1 < length) { }}, {{ } }} {{ }); }}

{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fseason98345) && (raw.fseason98345 != "Open Year Round")) { }}


{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.frates98345)) { }} {{ratedata = JSON.parse(raw.frates98345); }} {{ ratelength = ratedata.Rates.length}}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "book now")){ }}


{{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}

{{ _.each(ratedata.Rates, function (result, index){ }}

{{=result.Title}} starting at: ${{=parseFloat(result.Min).toFixed(0)}}

{{ }); }}

{{if (ratelength > 1) {}} ...MORE RATES {{ } }}

{{ } else { }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "book now")){ }}


{{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }} {{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(searchdesc)) { }}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }}Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (5) {{ } }}

{{ if (String(searchdesc).indexOf("; ; ") != -1) { }} {{=String(searchdesc).substring(0,String(searchdesc).indexOf("; ; ")-1)}} {{ } else { }} {{=String(searchdesc)}} {{ } }}

...Read more

{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fz95xstayfacilities98345)) { }}

{{=String(raw.fz95xstayfacilities98345).replace(",",", ")}}

{{ } }} {{var a =raw.fid98345}} {{ if (TravelCart.isInLocalStorage(a)) { }}

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{{ } else { }}


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{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (7) {{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(tripdata)) { }}

Trip Advisor Score: {{=tripdata.rating}} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (8)
Read reviews
{{if (tripdata.num_reviews > 0) { }} Based on {{=tripdata.num_reviews}} traveler reviews {{ } }}

{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foperatingname98345?highlight(raw.foperatingname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(tripdata)) {}}


{{ } }} {{if(raw.distance){ }}

Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.

{{ } }}

{{phones = raw.fphones98345}} {{if(!_.isEmpty(phones)) { }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(phones)) {}} {{phones = JSON.parse(phones); }} {{var length = phones.Phones.length; }} Phone(s): {{ _.each(phones.Phones, function (result, index){ }} {{=result["Phone Number"]}}{{=result["Phone Text"]}} {{ if (index < length - 1) { }} | {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}

{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.femail98345)) { }} {{emailstring = raw.femail98345}} {{ if (emailstring.includes("|")) {}} Email: {{ var emails = emailstring.split("|"); }} {{ var length = emails.length; }} {{ _.each(emails, function (element, index, list){ }} {{=element }} {{ if (index < length - 1) { }} | {{ } }} {{ });}} {{ } else { }}

Email: {{= raw.femail98345}}

{{ } }} {{ } }}

{{= raw.flocationinfo98345 }}

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  • {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "website")){ }} {{if (!result["Channel Description"]){ }}


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{{ } }} {{ if (raw.fz95xsearchtype98345 == "Events") { }}{{var trvOffMonth = new Array(12); trvOffMonth[0] = "Jan";trvOffMonth[1] = "Feb";trvOffMonth[2] = "Mar";trvOffMonth[3] = "Apr";trvOffMonth[4] = "May";trvOffMonth[5] = "Jun";trvOffMonth[6] = "Jul";trvOffMonth[7] = "Aug";trvOffMonth[8] = "Sep";trvOffMonth[9] = "Oct";trvOffMonth[10] = "Nov";trvOffMonth[11] = "Dec";}}


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{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (12) {{ } else { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (13) {{ } }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}}

{{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "facebook" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "twitter" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "youtube" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "instagram" )){ }}

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{{ if (eventwebsiteurl == "") { }} {{ eventwebsiteurl = socialdata.Channels[0].URL; }} {{ } }} {{ } }} {{ if (eventwebsiteurl == "") { }} {{ eventwebsiteurl = "#"; }} {{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):eventwebsiteurl}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.flocations98345)) { }}


{{ } }} {{if(raw.distance){ }}

Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.

{{ } }}

{{var startdate = new Date(raw.fstartdate98345) }} {{var enddate = new Date(raw.fenddate98345) }} {{var starthours = startdate.getUTCHours() - 6 }} {{var endhours = enddate.getUTCHours() - 6 }} {{startdate.setHours(starthours) }} {{enddate.setHours(endhours) }} {{var startminutes = startdate.getUTCMinutes() }} {{var endminutes = enddate.getUTCMinutes()}} {{var startday = startdate.getUTCDate() }} {{var endday = enddate.getUTCDate() }} {{var startmonth = startdate.getUTCMonth() }} {{var endmonth = enddate.getUTCMonth() }} {{var startyear = startdate.getUTCFullYear() }} {{var endyear = enddate.getUTCFullYear() }} {{var onedate = "false" }} {{var startAMPM = ""}} {{var endAMPM = ""}} {{if (startday == endday & startmonth == endmonth) { }} {{if (startminutes == "0"){ }} {{ startminutes = ""}} {{ } else { }} {{ startminutes = ":" + startminutes }} {{ } }} {{if (endminutes == "0"){ }} {{ endminutes = ""}} {{ } else { }} {{ endminutes = ":" + endminutes }} {{ } }} {{onedate = "true" }} {{if (starthours >= 12) { }} {{ startAMPM = "p.m." }} {{if (starthours != 12) { }} {{ starthours = starthours - 12 }} {{ } }} {{ } else { }} {{ startAMPM = "a.m."}} {{ } }} {{ } }} {{if (endhours >= 12){ }} {{ endAMPM = "p.m."}} {{if (endhours != 12) { }} {{ endhours = endhours - 12 }} {{ } else { }} {{ endhours = 12 }} {{ } }} {{ } else if (endhours == 0){ }} {{ endhours = 12 }} {{ endAMPM = "a.m." }} {{ } else { }} {{ endAMPM = "a.m." }} {{ } }} {{if (raw.fstartdate98345 == raw.fenddate98345){ }} {{= trvOffMonth[startdate.getUTCMonth()] + " " + startdate.getUTCDate() + ", " + startdate.getUTCFullYear() }} {{ } else if (onedate == "true") { }} {{= trvOffMonth[startdate.getUTCMonth()] + " " + startdate.getUTCDate() + ", " + startdate.getUTCFullYear() }} {{ } else if (startyear != endyear) { }} {{= trvOffMonth[startdate.getUTCMonth()] + " " + startdate.getUTCDate() + ", " + startyear }} to {{= trvOffMonth[enddate.getUTCMonth()] + " " + enddate.getUTCDate() + ", " + enddate.getUTCFullYear() }} {{ } else { }} {{= trvOffMonth[startdate.getUTCMonth()] + " " + startdate.getUTCDate() }} to {{= trvOffMonth[enddate.getUTCMonth()] + " " + enddate.getUTCDate() + ", " + enddate.getUTCFullYear() }} {{ } }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "book now")){ }}


{{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(searchdesc)) { }}

{{ if (String(searchdesc).indexOf("; ; ") != -1) { }} {{=String(searchdesc).substring(0,String(searchdesc).indexOf("; ; ")-1)}} {{ } else { }} {{=String(searchdesc)}} {{ } }}

...Read more

{{ } }} {{var a =raw.fid98345}} {{ if (TravelCart.isInLocalStorage(a)) { }}

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{{ } else { }}


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{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }}

Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (16)

{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}}

{{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "facebook" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "twitter" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "youtube" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "instagram")){ }}

{{ } }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "website")) { }} {{eventwebsiteurl = result.URL}} {{ } }} {{ }); }}

{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):eventwebsiteurl}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.feventname98345?highlight(raw.feventname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if(raw.distance){ }}

Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.

{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.fphone98345)) { }}


{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.femail98345)) { }}

{{ emailstring = raw.femail98345 }} {{ if (emailstring.includes("|")) { }} Email: {{ var emails = emailstring.split("|"); }} {{ var length = emails.length; }} {{ _.each(emails, function (element, index, list) { }} {{=element}} {{ if (index < length -1) { }} | {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } else { }}

Email: {{=raw.femail98345}}

{{ } }}

{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.flocationinfo98345)) { }}


{{ } }}

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  • {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "website")){ }}


    {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}

{{ } }} {{ if (raw.fz95xsearchtype98345 == "Communities") { }}


{{socialdata = ""; }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fchannels98345)) { }} {{socialdata = JSON.parse(raw.fchannels98345); }} {{ } }} {{ searchdesc = raw.fdescription98345}}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (19) {{ } else { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (20) {{ } }}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}}

{{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "facebook" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "twitter" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "youtube" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "instagram")){ }}

{{ } }} {{ }); }}

{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if(raw.distance){ }}

Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.

{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(searchdesc)){ }}


...Read more

{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.ftouristservices98345)){ }} {{touristdata = JSON.parse(raw.ftouristservices98345); }}

{{ _.each(touristdata.TouristServices, function (result, index){ }} {{ image = "" }} {{ if (result == "Gas") { image="fuel";} }} {{ if (result == "Diesel") { image="diesel";} }} {{ if (result == "Propane") { image="propane";} }} {{ if (result == "Lodging") { image="accomodations";} }} {{ if (result == "Picnic / Rest area") { image="rest-area";} }} {{ if (result == "Boat launch") { image="boat-launch";} }} {{ if (result == "Food") { image="food";} }} {{ if (result == "Golf") { image="golf";} }} {{ if (result == "Museum") { image="museum";} }} {{ if (result == "Camping / RV park") { image="camping";} }} {{ if (result == "Groceries / Supplies") { image="groceries";} }} {{ if (result == "Tourist Information") { image="information";} }} {{ if (result == "Hospital / Health Centre") { image="hospital";} }} {{ if (result == "Police / RCMP") { image="police";} }} {{ if (result == "Farmers Market") { image="farmers-market";} }} {{ if (result == "Sewage Disposal") { image="sewage";} }} {{ if (result == "EV charging station") { image="evcharging";} }} {{if (!_.isEmpty(image)){ }}

Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (22)

{{ } }} {{ }) }}

{{ } }} {{var a =raw.fid98345}} {{ if (TravelCart.isInLocalStorage(a)) { }}

Added to Suitcase | View Suitcase

{{ } else { }}


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{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } }}

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fprimaryimage98345)) { }}

Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (24)

{{ } }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}}

{{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "facebook" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "twitter" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "youtube" || result.Title.toLowerCase() == "instagram")){ }}

{{ } }} {{ }); }}

{{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):raw.clickableuri}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.fcommunityname98345?highlight(raw.fcommunityname98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if(raw.distance){ }}

Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.

{{ } }}

{{if (raw.fphones98345){}} {{phonedata = ""; }} {{phonedata = JSON.parse(raw.fphones98345); }} {{ _.each(phonedata.Phones, function (result, index){ }}

Phone: {{=result["Phone Number"]}} {{=result["Phone Text"]}}

{{ }); }} {{ } }} {{if (raw.femail98345){}}

Email: {{=raw.femail98345}}

{{ } }}

{{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.ftouristservices98345)){ }} {{touristdata = JSON.parse(raw.ftouristservices98345); }}

{{ _.each(touristdata.TouristServices, function (result, index){ }} {{ image = "" }} {{ if (result == "Gas") { image="fuel";} }} {{ if (result == "Diesel") { image="diesel";} }} {{ if (result == "Propane") { image="propane";} }} {{ if (result == "Lodging (hotel/motel)") { image="accomodations";} }} {{ if (result == "Picnic / Rest Area") { image="rest-area";} }} {{ if (result == "Boat Launch") { image="boat-launch";} }} {{ if (result == "Food") { image="food";} }} {{ if (result == "Golf") { image="golf";} }} {{ if (result == "Museum") { image="museum";} }} {{ if (result == "Camping / RV Park") { image="camping";} }} {{ if (result == "Groceries / Supplies") { image="groceries";} }} {{ if (result == "Tourist Information") { image="information";} }} {{ if (result == "Hospital / Health Centre") { image="hospital";} }} {{ if (result == "Police / RCMP") { image="police";} }} {{ if (result == "Farmers Market") { image="farmers-market";} }} {{ if (result == "Sewage Disposal") { image="sewage";} }} {{if (!_.isEmpty(image)){ }}

Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (26)

{{ } }} {{ }) }}

{{ } }} {{if(!_.isEmpty(raw.ftravellerservices98345)){ }}



{{ } }}

  • Information
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  • Visitor Info
  • {{ if (!_.isEmpty(socialdata)) {}} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "website")){ }} {{ if (!result["Channel Description"]){ }}


    {{ } else { }}

    {{=result["Channel Description"].toUpperCase()}}

    {{ } }} {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}


{{ } }} {{ if (raw.fz95xsearchtype98345 == "Travel Offers") { }}{{var trvOffMonth = new Array(12); trvOffMonth[0] = "Jan";trvOffMonth[1] = "Feb";trvOffMonth[2] = "Mar";trvOffMonth[3] = "Apr";trvOffMonth[4] = "May";trvOffMonth[5] = "Jun";trvOffMonth[6] = "Jul";trvOffMonth[7] = "Aug";trvOffMonth[8] = "Sep";trvOffMonth[9] = "Oct";trvOffMonth[10] = "Nov";trvOffMonth[11] = "Dec";}}{{ travelwebsiteurl = ""; }}{{ socialdata = ""; }} {{ if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fchannels98345)) { }} {{ socialdata = JSON.parse(raw.fchannels98345); }} {{ _.each(socialdata.Channels, function (result, index){ }} {{if (result.URL && result.Title && (result.Title.toLowerCase() == "book now")){ }} {{ travelwebsiteurl = result.URL }} {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ if (travelwebsiteurl == "") { }} {{ travelwebsiteurl = socialdata.Channels[0].URL; }} {{ } }} {{ } }} {{ if (travelwebsiteurl == "") { }} {{ travelwebsiteurl = "#"; }} {{ } }}

Travel Offer

{{if (!_.isEmpty(raw.fimage98345)) { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (30) {{ } else { }} Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (31) {{ } }}

{{ if (raw.fhaslayout98345 === "1" || raw.syssource !== "Coveo_web_index - prod") { }} {{=raw.foffertitle98345?highlight(raw.foffertitle98345, titleHighlights):travelwebsiteurl}} {{ } else { }} {{=raw.foffertitle98345?highlight(raw.foffertitle98345, titleHighlights):''}} {{ } }}

{{if (raw.distance) { }}

Approximately {{=(parseFloat(raw.distance) / 1000).toFixed(2)}}km from your location.

{{ } }}

{{scListing = raw.fz95xsclisting98345}}

{{ if (!_.isEmpty(scListing)) {}} {{scListing = JSON.parse(scListing); }} {{var length = scListing.length; }} {{ _.each(scListing, function (result, index){ }} {{=result.title}} {{if(index+1 < length) { }} | {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{ } }}

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Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park | Tourism Saskatchewan (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated:

Views: 6428

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.