Apex Pickrates (2024)

Hey there, fellow legends! Ever found yourself in the midst of an intense Apex Legends match, pondering over which legend to pick? Well, you're not alone. Choosing the right legend can significantly impact your gameplay and ultimately your chances of emerging victorious. In the fast-paced world of Apex Legends, understanding pickrates is crucial for staying ahead of the game. So, let's embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of Apex pickrates and what they mean for your gameplay strategy.

Understanding Pickrates: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?

Before delving into the specifics of Apex pickrates, let's first grasp the concept itself. Pickrate refers to the frequency at which a particular legend is chosen by players in the game. It serves as a reflection of the legend's popularity among the player base. But why exactly do pickrates matter? Well, they offer valuable insights into the meta-game dynamics, indicating which legends are currently favored by players and potentially dominating the battlefield.

The Significance of Pickrate Trends

Pickrate trends are not static; they evolve over time in response to various factors such as balance changes, meta shifts, and new legend introductions. By keeping a close eye on these trends, players can adapt their strategies accordingly, ensuring they are always equipped with the most effective legend choices to suit their playstyle and team composition.

Analyzing the Top Pickrates: Who Reigns Supreme?

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of Apex pickrates and uncover the top contenders in the legend roster.

1. Wraith: The Elusive Warrior

Wraith consistently ranks among the top picks in Apex Legends, thanks to her exceptional mobility and defensive capabilities. Her tactical ability, "Into the Void," allows her to reposition swiftly and evade enemy fire, making her a formidable opponent in combat situations.

2. Pathfinder: Master of Mobility

Pathfinder's unparalleled mobility makes him a favorite among players who prioritize agility and versatility. His grappling hook enables him to traverse the map with ease, gaining strategic advantages and outmaneuvering opponents in the process.

3. Bloodhound: The Tracker Extraordinaire

Bloodhound's tracking abilities make them a valuable asset to any squad. With their tactical ability, "Eye of the Allfather," Bloodhound can reveal hidden enemies and track their movements, providing invaluable intelligence to the team.

4. Gibraltar: The Indomitable Fortress

Gibraltar's tank-like attributes and defensive capabilities make him a popular choice for players seeking resilience in the heat of battle. His tactical ability, "Dome of Protection," offers temporary cover, allowing teammates to regroup and strategize effectively.

Factors Influencing Pickrates

Several factors influence pickrates in Apex Legends, including:

  • Balance Changes: Tweaks and adjustments to legend abilities can significantly impact their popularity among players.
  • Meta Shifts: Evolving gameplay strategies and emerging meta trends can influence which legends are favored by the community.
  • New Legend Releases: The introduction of new legends can disrupt existing pickrate dynamics, as players explore and experiment with the latest additions to the roster.

Adapting to Pickrate Trends

Staying adaptable is key to thriving in the ever-changing landscape of Apex Legends. By staying informed about pickrate trends and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each legend, players can make informed decisions that elevate their gameplay experience.


In the dynamic world of Apex Legends, pickrates serve as a barometer of legend popularity and meta-game trends. By analyzing pickrate data and staying adaptable to evolving dynamics, players can optimize their gameplay strategies and stay ahead of the competition. So, next time you're gearing up for a match, consider the nuances of pickrates and choose your legend wisely.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is a pickrate in Apex Legends?

  • Pickrate refers to the frequency at which a particular legend is chosen by players in the game. It reflects the legend's popularity among the player base.

2. Why do pickrates matter in Apex Legends?

  • Pickrates offer valuable insights into the meta-game dynamics, indicating which legends are currently favored by players and potentially dominating the battlefield.

3. What factors influence pickrates in Apex Legends?

  • Factors such as balance changes, meta shifts, and new legend releases can influence pickrates in Apex Legends.

4. How can players adapt to pickrate trends?

  • By staying informed about pickrate trends and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each legend, players can make informed decisions that optimize their gameplay strategies.

5. Which legend currently holds the highest pickrate in Apex Legends?

  • Wraith consistently ranks among the top picks in Apex Legends due to her exceptional mobility and defensive capabilities.

1. Apex Legends pick rates/popularity

  • Master/ Apex Predator · Rookie/Unranked · Diamond · Crypto 1%

  • Legends pick rates game statistics for players in Apex Legends on PC, XBOX, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

2. Masterpred Legends pick rates - Apex Legends Status

  • Diamond · Horizon 11.7% · TTVs · Revenant 17.1%

  • Legends pick rates game statistics for masterpred players in Apex Legends on PC, XBOX, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

3. Apex Legends Status on X: "A first look at pick rates in S20 - X.com

  • Feb 14, 2024 · A first look at pick rates in S20 - Seer went from 0.6% to 6.5% due to the challenges. Good climb for Mad Maggie too!

  • Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

4. Who is the most popular Apex Legends character? Season 20 pick rates

  • 5 days ago · All Apex Legends Season 20 character pick rates · Loba – 9.6% · Mad Maggie – 9.1% · Octane – 8.2% · Pathfinder – 8.1% · Wraith – 6.9% · Lifeline ...

  • Here are the most popular Legends in Apex Legends Season 20, with all the characters ranked from highest to lowest pick rates.

5. All Season 20 Apex Legends Character Pick Rates - Dot Esports

  • Feb 22, 2024 · All Apex Legends character pick rates ; 1st, Octane, 8.5% ; 2nd, Seer, 7.4% ; 3rd, Pathfinder, 7.3% ; 4th, Wraith, 7.2%.

  • Who’s the top pick?

6. Apex Legends pick rates: Who is the most popular legend? - Esports.gg

  • Mar 22, 2024 · Skirmisher Class Apex Legends pick rates · Pathfinder - 8% · Octane - 8.5% · Wraith - 7.1% · Horizon - 4.8% · Valkyrie - 2.3% · Skirmisher Class ...

  • How are the latest Apex Legends pick rates stacking up all the changes in Apex Season 20? Who is the most, and least popular?

7. Apex Legends pick rates - who is the most popular character?

  • Feb 6, 2024 · Apex Legends Season 19 character pick rates ; Conduit. 8.5% ; Pathfinder. 8.2% ; Wraith. 7.9% ; Horizon. 7.8%.

  • Find out the most and least popular characters in Apex Legends Season 19 as we provide a detailed breakdown of legend pick rates in this article.

8. Apex Legends Season 20: Predicting the Rising Pick Rates - Z League

  • Feb 11, 2024 · Summary: · Valkyrie and Caustic are the front-runners for skyrocketing pick rates due to their new perks and abilities. · Gibby is expected to ...

  • Who do you think will dominate the pick rates in Apex Legends Season 20? We explore the predictions and opinions from the Apex Legends community.

9. Apex Legends pick rates in season 16 – who is the most popular Legend?

  • Apr 12, 2023 · Apex Legends pick rates for season 16 ; Lifeline, 5.6% ; Horizon, 5.3% ; Valkyrie, 4.7% ; Loba, 4.5%.

  • If you’re looking to see who’s been hit the hardest by nerfs, or which legends are overpowered, we’ve got you covered with the Apex Legends pick rates.

10. Apex Legends pick rates & most popular characters in Season 20

  • 7 days ago · Pick rates in Season 20 ; 7, Horizon, 5.2% ; 8, Bangalore, 5.2% ; 9, Loba, 5.1% ; 10, Conduit, 4.9%.

  • Apex Legends' pick rates are always fluctuating and changing with every new season, so let's check out the most popular Legends in Season 20's current meta.

11. Apex Legends Season 19: Who Takes the Crown in Pick Rates?

  • Nov 17, 2023 · Top 5 Most Picked Legends in Season 19 · Conduit – 9.5% · Octane – 8.7% · Lifeline – 8% · Pathfinder – 7.9% · Wraith – 7.5% · Bangalore – 7%.

  • Discover the pulse of Apex Legends Season 19! Unveil the most popular Legends and their unique dynamics, influencing the battlegrounds. Dive

12. Apex Legends: Season 17 Characters With The Highest Pick Rates

  • May 24, 2023 · Apex Legends: Season 17 Characters With The Highest Pick Rates · 10 Valkyrie · 9 Horizon · 8 Lifeline · 7 Loba · 6 Bloodhound · 5 Bangalore · 4 ...

  • With each new season of Apex Legends comes new fan-favorite legends, and these are the top picks so far.

13. Apex Legends Season 15 Pick Rates: Octane Claims Number One Spot

  • Most Popular Legends in Apex Legends Season 15 · Octane - 11% · Wraith - 10.3% · Pathfinder - 9.3% · Bloodhound - 8.5% · Horizon - 7.9% · Bangalore 5.6%.

  • Octane and Pathfinder have found themselves in the top three characters in Apex Legends Season 15.

14. Revenant Pick Rate Increases by Over 98% After Rework in Season 18

  • Aug 17, 2023 · Revenant currently has a pick rate of 16.4%, according to Apex Legends Status. This is an increase of over 98%. The next-picked legend is Octane ...

  • The new reword for Revenant has drastically improved the character's pick rate in Season 18

15. Apex Legends pick rates – the most popular characters in Season 16

  • Feb 17, 2022 · Apex Legends pick rates Season 16 ; Mad Maggie, 2.5% ; Crypto, 2.4% ; Wattson, 2.3% ; Caustic, 2.2%.

  • Understanding the Apex Legends pick rates can mean the difference between a high-kill game and an early exit, so pick your legends carefully.

16. 'Apex Legends' Season 13 pick rates reveal the 8 best characters - Inverse

  • May 23, 2022 · Now that the dust has settled for 'Apex Legends' Season 13, let's take a look at the new highest pick rates for the roster of characters.

  • Now that the dust has settled for 'Apex Legends' Season 13, let's take a look at the new highest pick rates for the roster of characters.

17. Apex Legends pick rates: Most popular Legends in Season 14

  • Sep 28, 2022 · Apex Legends pick rates: Most popular Legends in Season 14 · Bloodhound – 7.9% Click image for larger version Name: Bloodhound. · Wraith – 8.9%

  • Apex Legends pick rates are going through some interesting changes in Season 14, so without further ado, here are all of the details and the latest pick rate numbers right here for the newest Apex season. This pick rate information is based on a database of over 13 million Apex Legends players, and while this isn’t the total

18. Apex Legends Season 16 leads to dramatic shift in legend pick rates

  • Feb 21, 2023 · However, she got a couple of major buffs in Season 16 and got placed in the Skirmisher class. This was enough to boost her pick rate to the top ...

  • Season 16 has been one of the biggest updates to hit Apex Legends, shaking up the legend meta and radically affecting pick rates.

19. Every Legend Pick Rate in Apex Legends Season 16 - Twinfinite

  • May 2, 2023 · All Legend Pick Rates in Apex Legends Season 16 ; 1, Pathfinder, 13.1% ; 2, Octane, 10.1% ; 3, Wraith, 9.5% ; 4, Bangalore, 7.5%.

  • Make your pick based on other Legends' picks!

20. Apex Legends Pick Rates: Most Popular Legends In Season 16

  • Apex Legends Pick Rates In Season 16 ; 6. Lifeline. 5.4% ; 7. Ash. 5.0% ; 8. Horizon. 4.5% ; 9. Loba. 4.4%.

  • Want to know which Legend is the most popular in Apex Legends Season 16? Check out this article as we discuss the Pick Rates of different legends!

21. Apex Legends Pick Rates Season 9: Who is most popular?

  • Jul 15, 2021 · Apex Legends Pick Rates Season 9: Who is most popular? · Octane (16.2%) · Wraith (13.5%) · Bloodhound (10.2%) · Pathfinder (8.8%) · Lifeline ( ...

  • The pick rates for Apex Legends season 9 are here, showing which characters are chosen most by players. Have a look at who gets the most attention - as well as those Legends who might need a little more love.

22. Apex Legends pick rates show top players dropping Horizon for new ...

  • Jan 19, 2023 · In Master rank and above, Pathfinder is up just over 4% – and he sits just behind Horizon as the second most-popular pick. Octane may have ...

  • Apex Legends' Horizon has had a rough time of it, but that doesn't mean she's down and out just yet; although, players are already flocking to other characters.

Apex Pickrates (2024)
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